On Monday I taught a highly energetic class of teachers and Yogis at Triyoga Soho and I felt so present and plugged in.
When I arrived home, I had lyrics to a rap or a poem flowing through my mind and I knew I was in a creative space and just had to write down my thoughts as they arose. This is what unfolded and spilled onto the page like water, without me thinking twice about it. . .
The Only Question
The only question in life is “To open one’s heart or not?”
But in a world of disconnected souls, it’s hard to loosen the knot
Around one’s heart that keeps it strong and protected
Fearing that somewhere along the way it will be rejected.
Year upon year we have become so good
At building an armour so strong it could
Keep feelings of pain, of anger, of grief at bay
To avoid those who may betray
Our trust, our love, our kindness
But now we ask “why are we in this mess?”
As a nation of intelligent souls who understand the importance
Of Love in this one fleeting life’s dance
Why are we not taking every opportunity?
To open to one-another and just see
Where it may lead us, perhaps far away
From this chaos we see today.
For when we suppress one sensation we numb
ALL and can only be described as “dumb”
If we hope to attain a higher state
Without first facing this great debate
That plays out between heart and mind.
One wants to open, the other not so kind
to strangers, to those in their shadow, perhaps a ‘difficult’ being
But if we are to attain this Union, we must first ‘be seeing’
The lesson that exists in the crossing of paths
With our greatest teacher; the one not allowed in our hearts.
For what is it about this person that reminds
Us of something we would rather leave behind.
In finding out and embracing our shadowy parts
Are we then able to find enough space in our hearts
To extend the flow of love to every corner of the universe
As though the quantity of our Love would never disperse
Or fade away, or diminish, or lessen
And, in doing so, we learn life’s lesson
That our hearts are our epicenter and should be plugged
Into every other heart that we hug,
Until a web of connection is formed in the formless
World and we allow the information
To flow between us without trepidation.
For each and every heart just wants to connect
To plug into the web of respect
For one another that I know we can feel
If we look inside, address our shadow self and heal.
The great chasm of ‘disconnect’ between the pull of the heart
And the action we take, is a great place to start.
To open one’s heart is the only solution
And this, my friend, will be the REVOLUTION.